Spark Mahout basics

We will now focus on Mahout Spark's DRM. DRM, once loaded into Spark, is partitioned by rows of the DRM.

Initializing the Spark context

Many operations on the DRM will require a Spark context. To initialize Mahout with the Spark session, we create the implicit variable mahoutCtx as the Spark context:

implicit val mahoutCtx = mahoutSparkContext(
masterUrl = "spark://ctiwary-gsu-hyd:7077",
appName = "MahoutLocalContext"
We will import some import
// Import matrix, vector types, etc.
import org.apache.mahout.math._
// Import scala bindings operations
import scalabindings._
// Enable R-like dialect in scala bindings
import RLikeOps._
// Import distributed matrix apis
import drm._
// Import R-like distributed dialect
import RLikeDrmOps._ ...

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