Working with static columns

Let's say that we've decided, in our MyStatus application, that when a user creates a new account, we also require them to create an initial status update. In this workflow, we'll end up creating a new user record at the same time as when we create their first status update, which is to say that we'll be populating all the columns of the users_with_status_updates table in a single statement:

INSERT INTO "users_with_status_updates" ("username", "id", "email", "encrypted_password", "body") VALUES (   'alice',   76e7a4d0-e796-11e3-90ce-5f98e903bf02,   '',   0x8914977ed729792e403da53024c6069a9158b8c4,   'Learning Cassandra!' );

It's worth emphasizing that even though this is a single INSERT statement, we're ...

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