Find Nearby Blocks or Entities

Canary provides a very handy feature in net.canarymod.BlockIterator. A BlockIterator lets you find all the blocks along a line in the game. Most useful is probably the version where you pass in a LineTracer (made from a Player) and a boolean, which is declared in the Canary API like this:[25]

public​ BlockIterator(LineTracer tracer, ​boolean​ include_air)

That gives you a BlockIterator object, which you can use to retrieve blocks along the line of sight from that entity. The boolean flag says to include Air blocks, and it works like this:

BlockIterator sightItr = ​new​ BlockIterator(​new​ LineTracer(me), true);
while​ (sightItr.hasNext()) {
Block b =;
// do something with this block, ...

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