

  1. Algorithm

  2. And (logical operator)

  3. API key

  4. Applications Programming Interface (API)

  5. Argument

  6. Assignment

    1. operator

    2. statement


  1. Body

    1. of a function

    2. of a loop

  2. Boolean

    1. expression

  3. Break

  4. Built-in functions


  1. Call (calling a function)

  2. Camel case

  3. Client

  4. Comma separated value (CSV)

  5. Comment

    1. after a line of code

    2. full line

    3. multiline comment

  6. Comparison operator

  7. Compile error (syntax error)

  8. Concatenate

  9. Concatenation operator

  10. Constant

  11. Content independence

  12. Continue

  13. Convention

  14. Conversion function


  1. Data

    1. structure

    2. type

  2. Decrement

  3. Def (used to define a function)

  4. Dictionary

  5. Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)

  6. Dynamically types (language)


  1. Element

  2. Elif (statement)

  3. Else (statement)

  4. Empty

    1. list

    2. string

  5. Except (statement)

  6. Execute (run a program)

  7. Exit condition

  8. EXtensible Markup Language (XML)

F, G

  1. File handle

  2. File I/O

  3. Float (built-in ...

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