© Irv Kalb 2016

Irv Kalb, Learn to Program with Python, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2172-3_8

8. Strings

Irv Kalb

(1)Mountain View, California, USA

We started using strings in Chapter 1 with this statement:

print 'Hello World'

Later, we talked about how you get input from the user as a string, and how to convert that input into a number:

>>>>>> age = raw_input('Please enter your age: ')Please enter your age: 24>>> age = int(age)>>>

Then I showed you how to concatenate strings, like this:

>>>>>> string1 = 'Hello'>>> string2 = 'there'>>> greeting = string1 + ' ' + string2>>> print greetingHello there>>>

Other than being used to nicely format output, we haven’t talked that much about strings. In this chapter, and in the next two chapters, we get heavily into strings. ...

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