
- (hyphen), 38

; (semicolon), 8, 274

: (colon), 8

. (period), 10

{ } (curly brackets), 8, 9, 274

& (ampersand), 31

# (hash sign), 10, 46

< > (angle brackets), 2

% unit notation, 51


<a> element, 29

absolute lengths, 50

absolute paths, 30

absolute positioning, 9698

absolute value, 9698

action attribute, 205

Adobe Kuler, 47

alert message example, 136137


float values and, 114

images, 185186

list items, 170

text, 114, 121, 122

vendor prefixes, 278279

vertical, 91

alpha channels, 48

alt attribute, 179, 271

alt (alternative) text, 179

alternative (alt) text, 179

ampersand (&), 31

anchor elements, 29

anchor links, 3, 29

anchor tags, 3

angle brackets < >, 2

<article> element, 25

<aside> element, 26, 76, 78

aspect ratio, 180

attributes ...

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