

" (double quotes)

escaping, 38

strings and, 28, 33

variables and, 30

' (single quotes)

escaping, 38

strings and, 33

variables and, 30

" " " (triple quotes), 3738

/ (forward-slash) characters, 3840

\ (backslash) characters, 3840

_ (underscore) characters, 24

|| (or) expressions, 9196

+= (increment by) operators, 7172, 99

= (equal) characters

== vs., 25

ARGV and, 4651

in asking questions of users, 42

escaping quotes, 38

format strings and, 3437

naming variables with, 2426

printing variables with, 2829

returning values from functions with, 7476

setting variables to numbers, 4445

setting variables to strings, 3033

== (double equal) characters, 25, 9296

! (not) expressions, 9196

!= (not equal) characters, 9196

# (pound) ...

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