Next Steps

You’re not a programmer quite yet. I like to think of this book as giving you your “programming black belt.” You know enough to start another book on programming and handle it just fine. This book should have given you the mental tools and attitude you need to go through most Ruby books and actually learn something. It might even make it easy.

I recommend you check out some of these projects and try to build something with them:

The Well-Grounded Rubyist to continue your Ruby study and become better at it.

Eloquent Ruby for even more Ruby skills.

Learn Python the Hard Way, you will learn even more about programming as you learn more programming languages, so try learning Python, too.

Rails Tutorial to learn Ruby on Rails.

Get Learn Ruby the Hard Way: A Simple and Idiomatic Introduction to the Imaginative World of Computational Thinking with Code, Third Edition now with the O’Reilly learning platform.

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