
Chapter 1

  1. Red/System is the part of Red needed to do lower-level programming like C.
  2. A full-stack language is a language that can be used on the whole spectrum of programming, from systems level to high-level language construction. Red together with Red/System is able to do that.
  3. Red and LISP both have the block (or list) as its basic structure, for code as well as for data.
  4.  1) Red has a very small tool-chain, with no installation and configuration

                    2) The size of its executables is around 1 Mb

                    3) The reduced size of its source files.

  1. A dialect is a specialized high-level language written in Red. Examples: parse, view, Red/C3
  2. Red is compiled to native code, while REBOL is always interpreted. ...

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