Searching for an item – select and find

For searching for an item, there are two specific words—select and find. At first, their operation seems strange. The select word returns the next item from the series after the search match:

data1: [1 2 3 4]select data1 2 ;== 3select data1 99 ;== none

If the item is not found, none is returned. If the searched word has no value, use it as a block to prevent its evaluation or use it as a literal word with ':

data2: [A B C D]select data2 [B]    ;== Cselect data2 'B     ;== C

The find word, on the other hand, starts at the match and goes all the way to the tail, returning that part as a series:

find data1 2 ;== [2 3 4]

=> Now answer question 8 from the Questions section.

Both select and find have several refinements, ...

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