Button, check, and radio

Here is a window using button faces:

Here is its code:

; see Chapter09/button-faces.red:view [    title "Button Widgets"    below     name: field 100 "Type a name"    across    button 70x70 "Say Hi" center [t1/text: append "Hi " name/text]    t1: text ""    return    ch1: check 90x70 "Check me" [            either ch1/data                 [ch1/text: "checked"]                [ch1/text: "unchecked"]    ]    r1: radio "on"  [t1/text: "too loud!"]    r2: radio "off" [t1/text: "that's better"]    r3: radio "?"   [t1/text: "battery low"]]

Buttons are specifically used for the actions they produce when they are clicked. Here we change text content to the input of the name field. The default event is ...

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