Some common datatypes

Red has many predefined datatypes. A developer can work just as easily with often-used data such as files, images, emails, and URLs, by using the same actions and functions. You can see a list of the available types in the console by typing ? datatype!. Here are some examples (see Chapter03/

  • integer! such as -42.
  • float! such as 1.23 or 1.23e12; the European format 1,23 is also recognized; integers are signed 32 bits (4 bytes), floats are 64 bit.
  • logic! such as true or false, but also on or off and yes or no, better known as Boolean values.
  • char! such as #"a", which are Unicode code points in the integer range hexadecimal 00 to 10FFFF.
  • string! such as "Red is awesome". To work with multiline strings ...

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