Error handling

In the previous section, we saw that passing the wrong type of argument to a function causes the program to terminate with an error message. Is there a way to guard functions against wrong types and still let the program continue? We know how to test types with type?, so we can do that instead. Here is a version of the inc function that is untyped, but protected against the possibility of n not being an integer:

inc: func [n][    if not integer? n [         print ["n must be an integer, not a" (type? n)]        exit    ]    n + 1]inc 9      ;== 10inc pi     ;== n must be an integer, not a floatinc "abc"  ;== n must be an integer, not a string

Instead of the if not type? n test, we can also make this somewhat more readable:

inc: func [n][     unless integer ...

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