The image! datatype

In fact, Red has a special image! datatype for picture files. Suppose we have a binary file with the Red logo image in it, named logo.png. Then we can read it into our program as follows:

img: load %logo.png; == make image! [120x124 #{; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFimg/size ;== 120x124pick img 10 ;==                     (1)poke img 10 ;==       (2)

We see that internally it is an image! object, and that the image data is of the binary! type. We can get the RGB (color) value of pixel 10, as shown in line (1), or even change it, as shown in line (2). An image! is a series! type, so all actions applicable to series can be used on images.

Likewise, if you have the binary data, you can construct ...

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