An introduction to the draw dialect

Draw is a Red dialect created to make it easy to draw two-dimensional geometrical shapes such as circles, rectangles, and animations. It makes use of VID, so the needs 'view has to appear in the header. To start with a simple example, here is how to draw a circle:

;-- see Chapter09/ [     base 100x100 cyan draw [        line 20x0 75x50        pen red         circle 35x50 20    ]]

We draw on a base face and start a draw block. In it, we draw a line from a starting point at 20 x 0 to an end point at 75 x 50. Then, we define a pen with the color red and use it to draw a circle with a radius of 20 and center at 35 x 50:

=> Now answer question 9 from the Questions section.

Instead of a base, you can also add ...

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