Chapter 1


Welcome to Learn Objective-C on the Mac! This book is designed to teach you the basics of the Objective-C language. Objective-C is a superset of C and is the language used by many (if not most) applications that have a true OS X or iOS look and feel.

In addition to presenting Objective-C, this book introduces you to its companion, Apple’s Cocoa (for OS X) and Cocoa Touch (for iOS) toolkits. Cocoa and Cocoa Touch are written in Objective-C and contain all the elements of the OS X and iOS user interfaces, plus a whole lot more. Once you learn Objective-C, you’ll be ready to dive into Cocoa with a full-blown project or another book such as Learn Cocoa on the Mac (Apress 2010) or Beginning iOS 5 Development (Apress 2011).

In this ...

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