Set a Time Limit

To make the game competitive, let’s give the player 100 seconds to play. That way, a higher score indicates more skill, not just more patience.

Gosu has a class method Gosu.milliseconds that returns the number of milliseconds since the game started. You use this method to calculate how many seconds the player has been playing, and subtract that from 100. In the update method, you figure out how many seconds remain and convert it to a string:

def​ update
@x += @velocity_x
@y += @velocity_y
@velocity_x *= -1 ​if​ @x + @width / 2 > 800 || @x - @width / 2 < 0
@velocity_y *= -1 ​if​ @y + @height / 2 > 600 || @y - @height / 2 < 0
@visible -= 1
@visible = 30 ​if​ @visible < -10 ...

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