IIS role

The first role we are going to look at installs and configures IIS and then, like our previous playbook, uploads an HTML file that is generated by Ansible using a template. First of all, change to the web folder and create the role by running:

$ cd web$ ansible-galaxy init roles/iis

Starting with the default variable in roles/iis/defaults/main.yml, we can see that our role is going to be really similar to our Apache role we created when setting up the LAMP stack:

---# defaults file for web/roles/iisdocument_root: 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\'html_file: ansible.htmlhtml_heading: "Success !!!"html_body: |  This HTML page has been deployed using Ansible to a <b>{{ ansible_distribution }}</b> host.<br><br> The weboot is <b>{{ document_root }}</b> ...

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