The vmware_guest module

This module allows you to launch and manage virtual machines within your VMware cluster; the following example shows how you would launch a VM using a template:

- name: Create a VM from a template  vmware_guest:    hostname: "{{ vsphere_host }}"    username: "{{ vsphere_username }}"    password: "{{ vsphere_password }}"    validate_certs: "no"    datacenter: "my-datacenter"    folder: "/vms"    name: "yet_another_example_vm"    state: "poweredon"    template: "centos7-x86_64-1804"    disk:      - size_gb: "40"        type: "thin"        datastore: "my_datastore"    hardware:      memory_mb: "4048"      num_cpus: "4"      max_connections: "3"      hotadd_cpu: "True"      hotremove_cpu: "True"      hotadd_memory: "True"    networks:      - name: "VM Network"        ip: ""        netmask: "" gateway: ...

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