The Ansible playbook debugger

Ansible has a debugger built in. Let's take a look at how you can build this into your playbook by creating a simple playbook with an error. As we have just mentioned it, we are going to write a playbook that uses the say module. The playbook itself looks as follows:

---- hosts: localhost  gather_facts: false  debugger: "on_failed"  vars:    message: "The task has completed and all is well"    voice: "Daniel"  tasks:    - name: Say a message on your Ansible host      say:        msg: "{{ massage }}"        voice: "{{ voice }}"

There are two things to point out: the first being the mistake. As you can see, we are defining a variable named message, but when we come to use it the task, I have made a typo and entered massage instead. Luckily, as ...

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