The awx role

The next and (sort of) final role for our AWX installation can be created by running:

$ ansible-galaxy init roles/awx

The default variables in roles/awx/defaults/main.yml are similar in format to the ones in the docker role:

awx:  repo_url: ""  logo_url: ""  repo_path: "~/awx/"  packages:    - "git"  pip:    - "ansible"    - "boto"    - "boto3"    - "botocore"  install_command: 'ansible-playbook -i inventory --extra-vars "awx_official=true" install.yml'

Starting from the top, we have two different GitHub repo URLs. The first awx.repo_url is the main AWX repository and the second awx.logo_url is for the official logo pack. Next up, we have the path, awx.repo_path, and we want ...

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