
As you may have already guessed, this role, which can be found in the roles/stack/tasks/wordpress.yml file alongside roles/stack/tasks/main.yml and roles/stack/tasks/deploy.yml, installs and configures WordPress.

Before we progress with the tasks, we need to find out information about our RDS instance:

- name: find some information on the rds instance  local_action:    module: rds    region: "{{ ec2_region }}"    command: facts    instance_name: "{{ environment_name }}-rds"  become: no  register: rds_results

This is so that we can use the tasks when defining the database connection; likewise, we also need to find out about the Elastic Load Balancer:

- name: find some information on the elastic load balancer  local_action: module: elb_application_lb_facts ...

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