MariaDB Configuration

The MariaDB configuration is going to closely match that of the last chapter, minus a few of the steps, so I am not going to go into too much detail.

The default variables for this part of the role in roles/stack-config/defaults/main.yml are:

mariadb:  bind: ""  server_config: "/etc/my.cnf.d/mariadb-server.cnf"  username: "root"  password: "Pa55W0rd123"  hosts:    - ""    - "::1"    - "{{ ansible_nodename }}"    - "localhost"

As you can see, we are now using a nested variable, and we have removed root access on the host wildcard, the %, as the first part of the task in roles/stack-config/tasks/main.yml binds MariaDB to the localhost:

- name: configure the mariadb bind address  lineinfile:  dest: "{{ mariadb.server_config ...

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