This role does not need to make any choices, it simply takes our host from the ec2_instances group and creates an image of it. To start, let's create the role:

$ ansible-galaxy init roles/ami

The role is made up of three tasks, one of which is a pause. First of all, in roles/ami/tasks/main.yml, we need to find out some information about the instance. We are using the ec2_instance_facts module:

- name: find out some facts about the instance we have been using  ec2_instance_facts:    region: "{{ ec2_region }}"    filters:      dns-name: "{{ groups['ec2_instance'][0] }}"  register: "our_instance"

Now we know about the instance, we can create the AMI:

- name: create the AMI  ec2_ami:    region: "{{ ec2_region }}" instance_id: "{{ our_instance.instances.0.instance_id ...

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