
We are going to start with the files in the vars folder; we are going to be keeping the vars/main.yml file blank and adding two new files starting with vars/RedHat.yml:

---# vars file for ansible-role-dockerdocker:  gpg_key: ""  repo_url: ""  repo_path: "/etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo"  edge: "docker-ce-edge"  packages:    - "docker-ce"    - "device-mapper-persistent-data"    - "lvm2"    - "python-setuptools"    - "libselinux-python"  pip:    - "docker"

The next file to add is vars/Debian.yml:

---# vars file for ansible-role-dockerdocker:  gpg_key: "" repo: "deb [arch=amd64]{{ ...

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