Updating the inventory file

There are several files provided in the top level of the unarchived folder, to unarchive the folder double-click on the TAR file:

We just need to worry about the inventory file; open the file in a text editor and update it so it looks like the following:

[tower] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=vagrant ansible_private_key_file=~/.ssh/id_rsa host_key_checking=False[database][all:vars]admin_password='password'pg_host=''pg_port=''pg_database='awx'pg_username='awx'pg_password='iHpkiPEAHpGeR8paCoVhwLPH'rabbitmq_port=5672rabbitmq_vhost=towerrabbitmq_username=towerrabbitmq_password='WUwTLJK2AtdxCfopcXFQoVYs' ...

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