Creating the WordPress database

The next part of the role creates the database our WordPress installation will use; as per the other tasks in this chapter, it uses a nested variable, which can be found in roles/wordpress/defaults/main.yml:

wp_database:  name: "wordpress"  username: "wordpress"  password: "W04DPr3S5"

The tasks in roles/wordpress/tasks/main.yml to create the database and user look like the following:

- name: create the wordpress database  mysql_db:    db: "{{ }}"     state: "present"- name: create the user for the wordpress database  mysql_user:    name: "{{ wp_database.username }}"    password: "{{ wp_database.password }}"    priv: "{{ }}.*:ALL"    state: "present"  with_items: "{{ mariadb.hosts }}"

Notice how we ...

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