The vmware_cfg_backup module

Using this module, you can create a backup of a VMware ESXi host configuration:

- name: Create an esxi host configuration backup  vmware_cfg_backup:    hostname: "{{ vsphere_host }}"    username: "{{ vsphere_username }}"    password: "{{ vsphere_password }}"    validate_certs: "no"    state: "saved"    dest: "/tmp/"    esxi_hostname: "{{ exsi_host }}"  delegate_to: "localhost"  register: cfg_backup

Please note that this module will automatically put the host into maintenance and then save the configuration too. In the preceding example, from /tmp, you can use the information registered to grab a copy of the backup using the fetch module.

You can also use this module to restore a configuration:

- name: Restore an esxi host configuration ...

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