Learn Angular: Related Tool & Skills

Book description

Angular is not just a framework, but rather a platform that empowers developers to build applications for the web, mobile, and the desktop.

This book provides an overview of some essential Angular tools--such as Angular CLI, Angular Augary, and Sublime Text--as well as outlining some must-have TypeScript tips.

This book is for all front-end developers who want to become proficient with Angular and its related tools. You'll need to be familiar with HTML and CSS and have a reasonable level of understanding of JavaScript in order to follow the discussion.

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Table of contents

  1. Learn Angular: Related Tools & Skills
  2. Notice of Rights
  3. Notice of Liability
  4. Trademark Notice
  5. About SitePoint
  6. Preface
    1. Who Should Read This Book?
    2. Conventions Used
      1. Code Samples
      2. Tips, Notes, and Warnings
  7. Chapter 1: The Ultimate Angular CLI Reference Guide
    1. by Jurgen Van de Moere
    2. Some History
    3. What Is Angular CLI?
    4. Prerequisites
    5. Installing Angular CLI
    6. Creating a New Angular Application
      1. Available Options
    7. Running Your Application
    8. Adding Features to Your Angular Application
      1. Adding a new class
      2. Adding a new component
      3. Adding a new directive
      4. Adding a new enum
      5. Adding a new module
      6. Adding a new pipe
      7. Adding a new service
      8. Special note
    9. Running Your Unit Tests
    10. Running Your End-to-end (E2E) Tests
    11. Building Your Application for Production
      1. Available options
      2. Targets
      3. Environments
    12. Deploying Your Application
    13. Ejecting your application
    14. A Glimpse into the Future
    15. Summary
  8. Chapter 2: 10 Essential TypeScript Tips and Tricks for Angular Devs
    1. by Florian Rappl
    2. TypeScript Tip 1: Supply Your Own Module Definitions
    3. TypeScript Tip 2: Enum vs Const Enum
    4. TypeScript Tip 3: Type Expressions
    5. TypeScript Tip 4: Use Discriminators
    6. TypeScript Tip 5: Avoid Any Unless It Really Is Any
    7. TypeScript Tip 6: Use Generics Efficiently
    8. TypeScript Tip 7: Bring in Legacy Code
    9. TypeScript Tip 8: Create Functions with Properties
    10. TypeScript Tip 9: The keyof Operator
    11. TypeScript Tip 10: Efficient Callback Definitions
    12. Further Reading
    13. Conclusion
  9. Chapter 3: Using Angular Augury to Debug Your Code
    1. by Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
    2. Hello, Augury!
    3. Building a Sample App
    4. Component View
      1. Forms
    5. Dependency Injection
      1. NgModules
    6. Routes
    7. Conclusion
  10. Chapter 4: Top Angular Plugins for Sublime Text
    1. by Jeff Smith
    2. Setting up Package Control
      1. Installing a Sublime Text Package via Package Control Menus
    3. Angular 2 HTML Package
      1. Angular 2 HTML Package Setup
    4. Angular 2 Snippets
      1. Angular Plugins: Snippet Categories
      2. Angular Plugins: Completion Categories
    5. Angular CLI
    6. Angular Plugins: Typescript
    7. Angular Plugins: Linting
    8. DocBlockr
    9. Conclusion
  11. Chapter 5: Boosting Your Workflow with Angular 5 Snippets and VS Code
    1. by Michael Wanyoike
    2. Prerequisites
    3. Snippets Explained
    4. How to Use Snippets
    5. How to Create Angular 5 Snippets
    6. Summary
  12. Chapter 6: Top 12 Productivity Tips for WebStorm and Angular: Part 1
    1. by Jurgen Van de Moere
    2. WebStorm and Angular Tip 1: Use Angular CLI from Within WebStorm
    3. WebStorm and Angular Tip 2: Navigate Like a Pro
    4. WebStorm and Angular Tip 3: Take Advantage of Angular Language Service
    5. WebStorm and Angular Tip 4: Auto-format Your Code
    6. WebStorm and Angular Tip 5: Optimize Your Imports
    7. Using WebStorm and Angular Together: Summary
  13. Chapter 7: Top 12 Productivity Tips for WebStorm and Angular: Part 2
    1. by Todd Motto
    2. WebStorm and Angular Tip 6: Import Path Calculation
    3. WebStorm and Angular Tip 7: Use Live Templates
    4. WebStorm and Angular Tip 8: Running Tests
    5. WebStorm and Angular Tip 9: Travel through Time
    6. WebStorm and Angular Tip 10: TypeScript Parameter Hints
    7. WebStorm and Angular Tip 11: Navigate using Breadcrumbs
    8. WebStorm and Angular Extra Tip 12: Documentation Look Up
    9. Summary

Product information

  • Title: Learn Angular: Related Tool & Skills
  • Author(s): Jurgen van de Moere, Florian Rappl, Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski, Jeff Smith, Michael Wanyoike, Todd Motto
  • Release date: June 2018
  • Publisher(s): SitePoint
  • ISBN: 9780648331599