Glossary of Abbreviations

a.k.a also known as
AFIS Association Française d'Ingénierie Système (French Chapter of INCOSE)
AIAA American Institution for Aeronautics and Astronautics
AR Acquisition Reform (of DoD)
ASAP As soon as possible
CAE Computer Aided Engineering
CE Concurrent Engineering
CI Continuous Improvement
CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
CONOPS Concept of Operations
DFMAT Design for Manufacturing, Assembly and Testing
DoD Department of Defense
DODAF DoD Architecture Framework
EADS European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company
EdNet LAI Educational Network
ELOP Elbit Systems Electro—Optics, Israel
EM Enterprise Management
FBC Faster, Better, Cheaper (a former NASA practice)
GAO Government Accountability Office
GE General Electric
HALT/HASS Highly Accelerated Life Test/Highly Accelerated Stress Screen
IPT Integrated Product Team
ISO International Standards Organization
INCOSE International Council on Systems Engineering
JSF Joint Strike Fighter (F-35)
LAI Lean Advancement Initiative, formerly Lean Aerospace Initiative, formerly Lean Aircraft Initiative
LEfSE Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering
LEM Lean Enterprise Model
LMU Loyola Marymount University
LPD Lean Product Development
LPDF Lean Program Development Flow
LSE Lean Systems Engineering
LSE WG Lean Systems Engineering Working Group (of INCOSE)
MBA Master of Business Administration
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MoD Ministry ...

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