Query by proximity

In the previous example, you queried a feature layer based on an attribute. You can also query your feature layer based on its proximity to a point. In this example, you will query the layer based on the location of a mouse click. The following instructions will walk you through creating a proximity query:

  1. Reference the Esri-leaflet file as you have in previous examples. Add the feature layer to the map. You will pass the pointToLayer option, returning circleMarker for each feature. You need to create the circle marker so that you can change the color of the marker in a later step:
    var graffiti = L.esri.featureLayer('http://services.arcgis.com/ rOo16HdIMeOBI4Mb/ArcGIS/rest/services/Graffiti_Locations3/FeatureServer/0', { pointToLayer: ...

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