AAS. See American Anti-Slavery Society

Administrative requirements, 167–170


action, 96

awareness, 95

components, 189

comprehension, 95

decision, 96

engaging advertising and promotion, 196–197

evaluation, 95

interest, 95

internet, 191–192

mailings (postal mail and e-mail), 192–194

marketing communication (Marcom), 98–99

media plan, 96–98

print, 190–191

public relations, 195–196

radio, 190

television (TV), 190

thought process, 93–94

trade shows, 98–102, 194–195

American Anti-Slavery Society (AAS), 192

Ancillary products and components, 40

Branding, 86–87, 91–93

Business, 2, 44, 69, 129

Cell phone, 4, 8, 30, 32, 53, 54, 58

Channel, 103–107

partner, 107, 108–111

positioning, 110

Click-through rates (CTRs), 192, 217

Collateral, ...

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