In addition, I am pleased to take space here to thank several individuals who have been very helpful. First, I thank my students. Many of them suffered through, I fear, incomprehensible and soporific lectures, but they helped me refine my ideas about leadership. Second, I am indebted to many scholars who have written on leadership. I won't name them here, but they have been very influential, even if I take a whack at some of them occasionally. Without the vast literature that they have made accessible, we would know even less than we do. My editors at John Wiley & Sons, Lisé Johnson and Brian Baker (and Sarah Vernon previously), have been very effective at keeping me on task, even when I wanted to be out riding the Colnago or playing handball, which is relatively often. Finally, I thank the many reviewers listed above who took the time to make useful suggestions and tell me I was wrong, vague, or confusing, or all three, especially Professors Paul Mulvey at NC State and Laura Lunsford at the University of Arizona, and my young colleague with a promising career, Christian Thoroughgood at Penn State. It is highly unfortunate that I cannot blame any of them for any remaining errors.

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