Chapter 12

How Present Are You?

Section 3 has been all about taking action. We started with the balance between your facts and your gut, then we evaluated the idea of readiness, taking action, and how to motivate your followers to move forward as well. In this chapter, we turn the light more brightly on you.

Most leaders are so busy thinking about what their followers are doing that they don’t consider their own mindfulness and preparation. You, however, are already about a third of the way through this book, so congratulations! You are actually doing something to prepare yourself for the demands your leadership places on you. This chapter will deal with your moment-to-moment work as a leader.

Life is fleeting and opportunities are fragile, and yet sometimes we forget that. There is a tendency to focus on what was or what is to come. We have an almost obsessive need to reflect on our past or consider our future while ignoring the present.

All we have is right this minute. In this minute, there is every opportunity to fully live, to fully engage, and to fully lead and influence those in your care. When you forsake the present in favor of the future or the past, you deny the opportunity to lead right here, right now. It takes courage to be fully present. It takes discipline to not look at your phone, check your email, or think about tomorrow’s agenda when a person under your influence is talking to you.

I am not suggesting that you should not plan for the future. I am not suggesting ...

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