

Academic library See Public library
change as day-to-day business in, 119–25
leadership, 120–1
recommendations, 124–5
support by change manager, 122–4
change management, 55–75
change projects, 55–75
case studies of, 17–23, 27–32, 55–75, 81–106, 113–25
communication style and tools, 30–1, 59–60, 65–6
leadership, 57–9, 63–5
merging and downsizing, 67–75
post change, 31–2, 60–1, 66
recommendations, 32, 62, 66–7
space reduction, 81–98
training courses in, 29
changes resulting from new director announcement, 99–103
communication style and tools, 101–2
leadership, 100–1
post change, 102
recommendations, 102–3
information service provider merging, 113–19
leadership, 116–17
recommendations, 119
management restructuring, 103–6
communication ...

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