
Abbey Theatre, 57–60, 63–65, 138–139, 150

ABCs (adversity, beliefs, consequences) of resilience, 54–55, 69, 103

Abelson, David, 151–152, 159, 163

adaptive behaviors, 49–51, 55, 76–78, 176

adaptive energy

automatic and reflective minds, 39–42

channeling through self-awareness, 38–39, 151

leader stories, 31–34, 36–38, 102–103

nurturing, 167

overcoming scripts, 27, 74, 102–103, 105

overview of, 9, 34–36, 164, 165

resolving tension, 62, 97, 110

as vital, 30

See also deepening practices

“age of mastery,” 28

Allaire, Paul, 16

Allen, Paul, 19, 167, Inc., 126–128

Apple Inc., ix, 1, 27, 36, 38, 42

aspiration, tension of

example of, 79–80

navigating through, 96–98

overview, 56, 60–61

in tension map, 67, 71–72

automatic mind

association ...

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