If configuring all your Unix clients to use PAM and installing the various NSS modules is a little more work than your IT shop can bear at the moment, you may prefer the NIS/LDAP gateway solution mentioned at the beginning of this chapter (refer to Figure 6-1 for an illustration). This section examines PADL Software’s ypldapd daemon as a migration path from NIS- to directory-based information storage. The following excerpt from the ypldapd(8) manpage describes ypldapd’s position within a network:


ypldapd emulates the equivalent process ypserv by providing an RPC call-compatible interface. Rather than consulting `map’ files as ypserv does, however, ypldapd draws its data from LDAP databases.

In theory, ypldapd allows an NIS domain to be replaced with a directory-based solution without any client machines being aware of the change. Even non-Unix NIS clients, such as the Windows NT NISgina DLL, will function correctly. As far as NIS clients are concerned, nothing has changed: they still get their data using the NIS protocol from an NIS server. Where the server gets its data from is another matter.

The ypldapd package is available in binary form for Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, and AIX, and can be downloaded with a 30-day evaluation license. PADL’s web site provides instructions for obtaining a temporary license via an email request. The user’s guide is also available online in either Postscript or MS Word format ( ...

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