The Dark Side of Twitter: What Businesses Need to Know

Right now Twitter is the talk of the Web among marketers. Use of the elegantly simple social media site has shot into the stratosphere unlike anything in recent memory, and it's businesses that are leaping onto the Twitter bandwagon.

The New York Times calls Twitter “one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet.” A recent study determined at least 5 million people are using the service, and new members are signing up at a clip of 10,000 per day. And unlike other “here today, gone tomorrow” services, Twitter seems to have staying power.

With companies tightening their ad spending, social media is clearly the next marketing frontier. As with any new craze, there are enormous opportunities and rather large pitfalls that must be avoided.

For this article, I spoke to a number of marketing professionals who've been exploring the Twitter terrain for a while. My quest was to identify the Twitter landmines so you can fast-track your adventure into this vast new frontier. But first, a short story to convey the power of Twitter.

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