Time for action – lining up information using the tabbing environment

We would like to present a quick overview regarding LaTeX. We shall present one point on each line, aligned at words and double colons:

  1. Begin a new document and open a tabbing environment:
  2. Write the text, set tab stops by \=, and end the line by \\:
    \emph{Info:} \= Software \= : \= \LaTeX \\
  3. Add further lines, move to the next tab stop by \>, and again end lines by \\:
      \> Author \> : \> Leslie Lamport \\
      \> Website \> : \> www.latex-project.org
  4. Close the tabbing environment and end the document:
  5. Typeset to get the output:

What just happened?

The tabbing environment that we used begins a new line. We ...

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