Collecting Information About Program Entities

To build a symbol table, we need to formalize what we do implicitly when we read and write software. First, let’s figure out how to represent program entities. Take a look at the following C++ code:

class T { … }; ​// define class T
T f() { … } ​// define function f returning type T
int​ x; ​// define variable x of type int

We unconsciously define three symbols (program entities) in our head: class T, function f, and variable x. To build a language application, we need to mimic this in software. For those definitions, we need to do something like the following:

Type​ c = ​new​ ClassSymbol(​"T"​); ​// define class
MethodSymbol m = ​new​ MethodSymbol(​"f"​, c); ​// define method

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