Sending requests to a server with OkHttp

As previously stated, OkHttp's APIs were built with ease of use in mind. As a consequence, sending requests via OkHttp is quick and hassle-free. The following is a post(String, String) method that takes a URL and JSON request body as its arguments and sends a POST request to the specified URL with the JSON body:

fun post(url: String, json: String): String {  val mediaType: MediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json;                                              charset=utf-8")  val client:OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient()  val body: RequestBody = RequestBody.create(mediaType, json)  val request: Request = Request.Builder()                                .url(url)                                .post(body)                                .build()  val response: Response = client.newCall(request).execute()  return response.body().string()}

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