Structure of the app manifest file

The general structure of the androidManifest.xml file is shown in the following code snippet. The snippet contains all possible elements and declarations that can exist in the manifest file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><manifest>  <uses-permission />  <permission />  <permission-tree />  <permission-group />  <instrumentation />  <uses-sdk />  <uses-configuration />   <uses-feature />   <supports-screens />   <compatible-screens />   <supports-gl-texture />   <application>    <activity>      <intent-filter>        <action />        <category />        <data />      </intent-filter>      <meta-data />    </activity>    <activity-alias>      <intent-filter>         . . .       </intent-filter>      <meta-data />    </activity-alias>    <service>      <intent-filter>         . . .      </intent-filter> ...

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