The ulimit Command

The ulimit command manipulates system resource limits for current and child processes using the following format:

					ulimit [options] 


					ulimit [options] n

where n indicates to set a resource limit to n (except with the –a option). If n is not given, the specified resource limit is displayed. If no option is given, the default –f (file size limit) is used. Here, all the current resource limits are displayed:

					$ ulimit —a
					time(seconds)    unlimited
					memory(kbytes)   unlimited
					data(kbytes)     4294901761
					stack(kbytes)    2048
					file(blocks)     unlimited
					coredump(blocks) unlimited

This command sets the core dump size limit to 500 blocks:

					$ ulimit —c 500

To disable generation of core dumps, the dump size should be set to 0 blocks:

					$ ulimit ...

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