Determining search indexes

We determine the search index by looking at two Zebra's configuration files— and records.abs. If an index is present in both files, it can be used in matching rules.

Let us say we wanted to update our bibliographic records after a cleanup, we could create a matching rule based on Koha's biblionumber database field. This is a unique number assigned to each bibliographic record and is stored in tag 999$c in the MARC record.

Let us take a look at Zebra's record.abs file in the folder /etc/koha-dev/etc/zebradb/marc_defs/marc21/biblios/:

linux-4yut:/usr/share/kohaclone/misc/migration_tools # vi /etc/koha-dev/etc/zebradb/marc_defs/marc21/biblios/record.abs

If we run a search on tag 999$c, we find that the search ...

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