Testing Zebra

Now that we have installed Zebra, let us try out the zebrasrv command and the rebuild_zebra.pl program.

We will learn how to execute the zebrasrv command from the Linux shell and as a daemon. On production systems zebrasrv is usually run as a daemon that runs silently in the background.

The rebuild_zebra.pl command can also be executed from the Linux shell. On production systems however the program is scheduled to run in the crontab.

Testing zebrasrv

The zebrasrv program is usually installed under /usr/bin and you should be able to invoke it from any folder location.

The zebrasrv command

To learn more about how zebrasrv is used, we run the command with the –help or –h option:

linux-4yut:/home/koha # sudo zebrasrv --helpUsage: zebrasrv ...

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