Extending the customer model

You also need to validate the customer data. These are the rules for validation:

  • A first name is required
  • A last name is required and it needs a minimum of three characters
  • An address is required and it needs a minimum of five characters
  • An e-mail address is required and must match the built-in e-mail pattern
  • The zip code is required and must contain five numbers

To achieve this task, make some updates in the code, as follows:

  1. Extend the customer object in the models/Customer.js file:
    var firstName = ko.observable('').extend({
      required: true
    var lastName = ko.observable('').extend({
      required: true,
      minLength: 3
    }); var fullName = ko.computed(function(){ return firstName() + ' ' + lastName(); }); var address = ko.observable(''). ...

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