Stopwatch controls

Controlling the application by the means of button press events is very easy. All that we need to do for this to work is use the following code:

def start_stop(self):
    self.root.ids.start_stop.text = ('Start'
        if self.sw_started else 'Stop')
    self.sw_started = not self.sw_started

def reset(self):
    if self.sw_started:
        self.root.ids.start_stop.text = 'Start'
        self.sw_started = False
    self.sw_seconds = 0

The first event handler is for the Start and Stop buttons. It changes the state (sw_started) and the button caption. The second handler reverts everything to the initial state.

We also need to add the state property to keep track of whether the stopwatch is running or paused:

class ClockApp(App): sw_started = False sw_seconds = 0 def update_clock(self, ...

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