Conventional long form: Italian Republic

Local long form: Repubblica Italiana

Local short form: Italia

Population: 61,016,804 (2011 estimate)

Median age: 43.5 years

Age structure: (2011 estimates)0–14 years: 13.8%15–64 years: 65.9%65 years and over: 20.3%

GDP per capita (PPP): $30,700 (2010 estimates in US dollars)

Suffrage: 18 years old; universal (except in senatorial elections, where the minimum age is 25)

Legal drinking age: Varies by region from 16 years old (in Milan) to 18 years old for the purchase of alcohol. In general, minors can drink with parental supervision.

Cultural Note

Selling to Italy can be complicated, but selling Italy to others may be even more complex. Independent regional viewpoints can make it difficult for the ...

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