Conventional long form: Republic of India

Local long form: Republic of India/Bharatiya Ganarajya

Local short form: India/Bharat

Population: 1,189,172,906 (2011 estimate)

Median age: 26.2 years

Age structure: (2011 estimates)0–14 years: 29.7%15–64 years: 64.9%65 years and over: 5.5%

GDP per capita (PPP): $3,400 (2010 estimated in US dollars)

Suffrage: 18 years old

Legal drinking age: Varies from state to state, but minimum ages for buying and drinking alcohol are between 18 and 25 years old. Alcohol is prohibited in Gujarat and Mizoram, and throughout the country there are many days (e.g., religious holidays) that are intended to be dry.

Cultural Note

In 2007, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs released demographic ...

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