Chapter 4


In This Chapter

arrow Understanding your Kindle Paperwhite's basic reading features

arrow Viewing and sorting content on your device and in the Cloud

arrow Reading a periodical efficiently

arrow Making the most of comic books, graphic novels, and manga

arrow Organizing your content in collections

arrow Reading on other devices

In this chapter, I show you the basics of reading on your Kindle Paperwhite — a process so simple and elegant that you'll soon forget you're even using an e-reader.

You also find out how to navigate through your collection of books both on your Kindle Paperwhite and in the Cloud. In addition, I include information on how to have a stellar experience when reading periodicals, such as newspapers and magazines. Along the way, I share tips and hints that can save you time and make the most of your reading experience.

It All Begins on the Home Screen

The Home screen displays a list ...

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